Home Repair Programs

Housing Construction
Since 1994 BVCAP has been actively involved in the development of affordable housing for both home buyers and tenants. Development projects have been concentrated in Pawtucket, with over 20 units (primarily home ownership) developed to date.

For more information call 401-723-4520

Prospect St

Fair Housing Advocacyhousing_text
BVCAP’s Housing Advocate provides counseling and referrals to clients regarding allegations of housing discrimination and violations of the Rhode Island Landlord – Tenant Act.  In addition, the Advocate conducts educational workshops for community groups to inform residents of rights and responsibilities under the law.

Contact: Milly Ramos
401-723-4520 ext262

Lead Poisoning Case Management
The BVCAP Lead Center provides non-medical case management to families with lead-poisoned children, assisting the families with tools, resources and education needed to reduce the child’s Blood Lead Level to a medically acceptable level. A case manager is also available to help a homeowner apply for the RI Housing LeadSafe Homes Program.

If you have any questions about the new Rhode Island Lead Laws, please visit this website.

Rental Registry

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